Consultancy & Services
Calibration Services
Proficiency Testing
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Questions &
1. Our lab is ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accredited, we are looking to have a GAP Analysis performed based on ISO/IEC 17025:2017. Can you offer this type of services?
Yes, we offer GAP Analysis per ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard.
2. We are looking to transition from ISO/IEC 17025:2005 to ISO/IEC 17025:2017, can you assist us?
Yes, we can, please contact us.
3. We are a small calibration laboratory, need your assistance to implement quality management system and improve our business. Can you help us?
We always try to work within our customer’s budget. Please contact us at to discuss further.
4. We need to prepare technical training documentation including measurement uncertainty, example (caliper, durometer, hypot tester, multimeter, etc.). Can you assist us to prepare these documents?
Yes, we can assist you with this project. Please visit our “Documentation web page” for more details.
5. Can “On Job Training (OJT)” be acceptable and what type of documentation should I have as an evidence?
Yes, “On Job Training (OJT)” is acceptable. As an evidence you need to show the training process and its effectiveness.
6. Why should I become an ISO/IEC 17025 accredited laboratory?
To standardize the calibration process and data reporting formats, recommended by World Trade Organization (TBT article 9).
7. How much it cost me to be an ISO/IEC 17025 accredited laboratory?
It all depends on your needs and wants and “scope of accreditation”.
8. How much time needed to become an ISO/IEC 17025 accredited laboratory?
Again, it is all depend on your “scope of accreditation”. Approximately between (6 to 12) months.
9. Do you offer consulting and training services around the world?
Yes, we do.
10. I just need to calculate CMC for my existing accreditation scope, can you help?
Yes, we can help you. Please contact at us with your accreditation scope and requirements.
11. As a result of our ISO/IEC 17025 audit, we have an open NCR. We need your assistance on how to response and take CAPA. Can you able to assist us?
We can review the NCR and advise you accordingly. Please contact us at
12. I need to prepare protocols for validation (IQ, OQ & PQ) for my laboratory equipment. Can you prepare for us?
Yes, we can be able to help you. Please contact us with your requirements.
13. We are a small to medium calibration laboratory. Looking to invest in creating a database to support our laboratory. Can you please advise us, what should we do?
To assist small to medium calibration laboratories, we have developed an online asset management database “CAL LAB ACCESS”. We encourage you to use this database and save thousands of dollars.
14. Is “CAL LAB ACCESS” able to support unlimited accounts to our customers and employees?
15. Is “CAL LAB ACCESS” able to support on developing calibration templates?
Yes. Our goal is to develop and validate as many as calibration templates and provide access to our standard/premier members.
16. Is “CAL LAB ACCESS” calibration management database is free?
Yes. Basic membership is free.
17. Is “CAL LAB ACCESS” provide/conduct proficiency testing?
Yes. We conduct proficiency testing program between laboratories, please contact us to participate in one of the PT plans. Email: “”.
18. Do you offer consulting services on setting up calibration laboratory?
Yes. We are specialized in setting up new calibration laboratories, conduct market research, recommend you on investment, provide training to laboratory staff including (Customer support, quality, technical, management). Please contact us for further details. Email: “”.
19. We are a small to medium calibration laboratory and struggling to grow our business. Can you assist us on how to turn this business into profitable?
Yes, we can assist you. Please contact us for further details, email: “”.